NuclearFarmboy and ExpertCactus CTF 2019

ExpertCactus and Nuclearfarmboy proudly present:

The First Ever
Capture the Flag for Hackers and People who Like to do Other Stuff Too!

The Story

Sometimes CTF’s are hard and over your head. Sometimes they are complicated and over the top. Sometimes you want to do a CTF that is more your speed with your good friends Expertcactus and Nuclearfarmboy.

So knowing this, we realized we wanted to do a CTF that was focused on learning, getting people excited about hacking and learning more about computers, but most importantly fun and not super intimidating to newcomers to the field.

So we pitched the idea to friends and fellow SFS students and here we are!


There are 4 categories. Each category will have 4+ challenges ranging from super easy (worth one point) to more challenging (worth more points).

Click on the category to find out more about the challenges or you can download all of the challenges and get right to hacking from the Git repo HERE.

The flags have various formats, and will need to be verified before we can give you the points. To do so, send us the challenge name and the flag via Twitter DM @NuclearFarmboy or @ExpertCactus.

You can also join our Discord server and DM us the flag HERE.

Reverse Engineering
Linux Binary Exploitation
1: Get Crackin! 1: No Strings On Me 1: Stacks on Stacks on Stacks (phat stacks) 1: You Just Got Served
2: Get Crackalackin 2: Needle in the Haystack 2: StRiNg FoRmAtS 2: Pop a Cap!
3: Not So Enigmatic 3: dd Danger Zone 3: Buffer? I Hardly Know’er! 3: Halfway There
4: CrackMe 4: The Tar Never Stops 4: Mario Style 4: Look at this Photograph
5: Return of the Crack 5: Captain Planet

How to Win

Git gud.

Solve all the problems, first one to do so wins.

Alternatively, we will see who has the most points on February 1st, 2019, and declare them the winner. The first person to solve them all after that will be colloquially and unironically referred to as Champ.

We will process the flags from the users in the order we get them, so the faster the better.


Why are you guys doing this?

Because we want to help y’all get more comfortable with CTFs and we are nerds that like writing this stuff.

What do I get for winning?

A sense of pride and accomplishment. Possibly a beverage of your choice at the bar.

Why should I do this?

Because it’s good for you and we worry.

Do you guys have nothing better to do on a Friday night?

Do YoU hAvE nOtHiNg BeTtEr To Do On A fRiDaY nIgHt?

Can we get hints?



Place Name Score Challenges Solved
1 Skaszka 55 ALL OF THEM
2 mugatu 39 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 =17

L1, L2 =3

B1, B2, B3, B4 =13

N1, N2, N3 =6

3 CoffeeLink 20 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 =17
L1, L2 =3
4 swiftxknight 10 L1, L2, L4 =7
N1, N2 =3
5 Dumbcookie 1 R1 =1